As of 2011, there are more than 260,000 members and over 12,800 clubs in 113 countries. Membership in the US grew by 3% in 2007 and continues to grow rapidly in many other nations. Toastmasters members belong to local clubs, which generally have between 10 and 40 members, with 20 members being a typical size. The local clubs meet on a regular basis for members to practice various skills useful in public speaking, including giving speeches, speaking extemporaneously, listening, and providing each other with feedback and evaluation. Some clubs meet monthly, some meet twice a month, and some meet weekly.
Membership is open to all people ages 18 and above wishing to improve their communications skills. Toastmasters International has a policy of non-discrimination. Although Toastmasters was initially formed as a male-only organization, membership was opened to women in August 1973. Certain clubs (referred to as "closed clubs" or "in-house clubs") organized within businesses restrict membership to people in the organization; this is the only restriction on membership permitted by the international organization. From time to time, advanced clubs form and it is preferable that one has completed a certain number of speeches (e.g. 10) before joining these clubs.
(this information was taken from
These are some of our Cottonwood Toastmasters Club members. We are a fun group!
The coronation of our new 2011 President!
Leo, our faithful Sargent at Arms
Marian our amazing club Mentor
Lisa and her husband at our last party. Lisa just completed her Competent Communicator requirements! She did an amazing job on her speech! Congratulations Lisa!
Helen Graves
Veronica, or sometimes she goes by Gloria! Watch out for that Gloria gal!
We meet every Monday 12:00 to 1:15 at the Cottonwood Village, 201 E Mingus Ave. Guests are welcome. For more information call Dave Ellison at 634-6540 or Laina Lloyd at 928-300-8638