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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Humorous Speech Contest

Toastmasters had many opportunities to participate in speech contests each year. My favorite is the humorous speech contest. "What is it's purpose?" you ask. Below is a brief outline of the humorous speech contest. By clicking on the word "Purpose" you can go to a link that gives detailed information about the contest and how it is organized. 

    To provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their speaking abilities and to recognize the best as encouragement to all.

    To provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.

    To recognize the value of humor in speaking.

    This past Monday we had our Cottonwood Toastmasters Humorous speech contest. Our winner was Dorothy. She did an excellent job talking to us about getting old. The title of her speech was "On Getting Older".  

    Dorothy started out by mentioning that when we are children we can  hardly wait to grow up. We often imagine how things are going to be. When we finally grow up, reality sets in and we learn about the many responsibilities we have as an adult. One day Dorothy's fourteen year old daughter asked her "Why don't you stop dying your hair and grow old gracefully?" That didn't go over very well!

    She talked about how quickly we become senior citizens. In some places a citizen is considered senior at the young age of fifty five. Getting a cup of coffee for twenty six cents might sound like a great deal, however, Dorothy portrayed through her emotions and experiences that many of us don't want that discount and would prefer to pay the normal amount and hang on to our dignity! 

    We learned from Dorothy that in other countries, for example Korea, the older people are treated with respect. However, when Dorothy was told by a native of Korea that she was "old", all she could do was say "Thank you". 

    Then there are the terms that come with old age. Terms such as "Old Hen", "Old Bat",  Old Battle Ax", "Old Goat", "Geezer", and "Old Coot".  We learned that a coot is a bird. Dorothy asked us to remember that the next time we hear an old Geezer called an old Coot,  we are to "Please, straighten them out". 

    Thank you Dorothy. You will represent us well at the Y6 Area contest. For those of you who are interested, the contest will be held on Sunday the 18th of September at the Flagstaff Medical Center Auditorium. This is located at 1200 North Beaver Street in Flagstaff. The contest will begin at 1:00 pm. For more information contact Roger E. Eastman, Contest Chair, at 928-451-2127. 

Cottonwood Toastmasters meets every Monday 12:00 to 1:15 at the Cottonwood Village, 201 E Mingus Ave. Guests are welcome. For more information call Laina Lloyd at 928-300-8638 or Dave Ellison at 634-6540

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