Sometimes when I am overwhelmed with Toastmaster leadership projects, speeches, or other club related projects, I ask myself "Laina, what are you doing? Why are you a Toastmaster anyway?" When I am feeling the pressure, I seem to forget that very important question. After I did my recent speech from the Persuasive Speaking Advanced Manual, I remembered why I chose to be a Toastmaster.
The Persuasive Speaking manual has been difficult with some of the most challenging projects for me to present. Days before I gave my speeches I was anxious and irritable. This past Monday I gave my final speech in the manual. It was the project that involved the "Cold Call", ugh. This is not one of my specialties. I did too much in too little time. My props were a flop, and my mind got all muddled and confused. I felt like a total mess when I was done! But to you fellow Toasties out there, shout HURRAY!! We are not in Toastmasters because we are already successful leaders or captivating speakers. We are in Toastmasters to better ourselves, make mistakes and get dinged when we do, and we are there to learn and be guided.
The recent theme in one of our meetings was "Building On the Best". What a wonderful message that theme carries! In Toastmasters we do that very thing. After my flopped presentation on Monday I sat in the car and read my manual evaluation, as well as the club members evaluations. It was then that I realized how amazing my club members, members who have become my friends, are and how supported they make me feel. I was given several suggestions that will help me on my path to success and not once in reading those evaluations did I ever feel offended or mistreated. I felt an overwhelming gratitude for being a member of such an outstanding club.
Thank you fellow Toasties for your guidance and support!
Oh, and one more thing, when you complete those manuals, treat yourself. I do every time and it is delightful! With every bite I celebrate my accomplishments. Success can be delicious!
Cinnamon and pecan gluten free muffin from Jerona Cafe. Oh yeah!
Cottonwood Toastmasters meets every Monday 12:00 to 1:15 at the Cottonwood Village,
201 E Mingus Ave. Guests are welcome. For more information call
Laurie Rangel at 928-300-1130 or Laina Lloyd at 928-300-8638