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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Toastmaster Officer Roles

We Toastmasters LOVE doing  leadership and there are ample opportunities to fill leadership roles at a club level. It will soon be time to elect new club officers, and with that in mind, I have chosen to blog a short synopsis of each officers role so that you can see what is involved and perhaps, become a club officer. 

Club Officer Roles
You are the Club Chief Executive Officer and will be who presides at all Club meetings and all regular and special meetings of your Executive Committee. Your responsibility is to see that your Club enables its members to achieve t heir educational goals. It’s your challenge to see that your Club helps Area, Division, District, and Toastmasters International meet their goals.
Vice President Education:
  • Take responsibility for your Club’s education
  • Plan successful Club meetings so each member has the opportunity to achieve his or her educational goals.
  • Schedule all levels of the Communication and Leadership program and all other educational programs.
  • Sign Communication and Leadership manuals.
  • Maintain member progress charts and report Educational progress to the Executive Committee.
Vice President Membership:
  • Take responsibility for your Club’s membership
  • Plan, organize and implement continuous marketing efforts which ensure the Club maintains or exceeds a charter membership level of 20.
  • Work with groups inside and outside of Toastmasters to promote Club membership and Club retention
  • Assist in the preparation of semi-annual membership reports to Toastmasters International. 
Vice President Public Relations:
  • Develop, implement, and administer a program that maintains a positive image of Toastmasters for all members, guests, and general public.
  • Prepare and distribute news releases regarding Club activities; publicizing Club events to the media and potential members.
  • Develop literature about the Club
  • Work with the clubs Webmaster to maintain an effective program in Internal Communication.
  • Take responsibility for your Club’s records and correspondences.
  • Record and disburse Club and Executive Committee meeting minutes.
  • Prepare Executive Committee Agendas
  • Work with VP ED to update club membership and Officer lists
  • Take responsibility for your Club’s finances
  • Receive and disburse funds in payment of all obligations to and from your Club, including the collection and payment of Club dues.
  • Submit timely semiannual membership reports, dues, and membership rosters to Toastmasters International.
  • Report on and recommend a budget to the Executive Committee.
Sergeant at Arms:
  • Serve as master host and make the proper physical arrangements for all Club meetings.
  • Coordinate with Club officers to ensure each member and guest is welcomed at Club meetings.
  • Maintain the arranged meeting room layouts, set out materials, control Club property between meetings.

*For a more detailed description of officers functions, go to:

Cottonwood Toastmasters meets every Monday 12:00 to 1:15 at the Cottonwood Village, 201 E Mingus Ave. Guests are welcome. For more information call Laurie Rangel at 928-300-1130
 Laina Lloyd at 928-300-8638

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