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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another Fabulous Speech-a-thon!

Hello Fellow Toasties!

We had another fabulous Speech-a-thon in our Cottonwood Toastmasters club. We are having so much fun with these that we will have them monthly from now on. Maybe you can join us at the next one!

Here we have Anne giving her speech about house noises. There are the drip drip drip sounds that come from the faucets, the squeaky  boards and the chirping birds. As Anne remembered her mother who was deaf in one ear, she said "I am thankful to have ears to hear with." Me too Anne, and I do love the chirping birds and even those squeaky boards! 

This is Andy, he is one of our newest Toasties. Getting a little assistance from our Power Point Pro Leo, Andy prepares to share a demonstration with us that he will be giving at work. You did a great job Andy! So glad to have you with us in our club. 

Hi Anne, Sally and Marny! We see you have been snacking and enjoying the moment! We always have delicious foods at our meetings to tempt the palate and satisfy the hunger. Talking about hunger, Sally presented us with a wonderful speech about eating clean for our health. She is a gifted Yoga instructor as well as an informative and educational public speaker. 

Our amazing and talented Marian. She was one of the timers at the event. 
You did a fantastic job Marian! We are lucky to have you in our group. 

Merle and Marny, you two are such devoted club members! Merle is our current Sgt. at Arms and he always does and great job getting things set up and prepared so we can have a smooth running meeting. Marny was our Toastmaster for the day. We are lucky to have both of you hard working Toasties! 

Cottonwood Toastmasters, the place to be where you can learn  public speaking and leadership skills while developing life long friendships!

Cottonwood Toastmasters meets every Monday 12:00 to 1:15 at the Cottonwood Village, 201 E Mingus Ave. Guests are welcome. For more information call Laurie Rangel at 928-300-1130 or Laina Lloyd at 928-300-8638 or go to our website at

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